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Frequently Asked Questions

What clubs are available to my child?

At Hatfeild there are a range of paid clubs that are run by outside providers and free clubs run by our class teachers. The club list changes each term and waiting lists are used to ensure that all children who want one can access a club at some point during the year.

Please visit our website for more information about the clubs running this half-term.

Why are there less teacher clubs this year?

We are fortunate to have dedicated teachers who are passionate about enhancing children's experiences beyond the classroom through clubs and extracurricular activities. Teachers run clubs for two out of the three terms this year and often in pairs, to ensure clubs can run where possible in the event of staff absence.

However, it is important to remember that teachers also carry significant responsibilities within their core roles, including planning, teaching, and assessing pupil progress. To ensure the quality of both their classroom instruction and extracurricular involvement, it is essential to balance their workload effectively. While many teachers volunteer their time to support clubs, we must be mindful of their overall commitments. Moving forward, we will continue to encourage teacher involvement in extracurricular activities while also ensuring that it is manageable alongside their teaching responsibilities.

We appreciate your understanding and support as we work together to provide a well-balanced educational experience for all of our children.

How can I find out what my child is learning?

At Hatfield, we are pleased to offer coffee mornings for all-year groups, providing an opportunity for you to meet your child’s new class teacher in a relaxed setting. We highly value this time together and see it as a great way to foster strong home-school connections.

However, we understand that many of our families have work commitments and may not always be able to attend. To ensure that no one misses out on important information, the coffee morning slides, termly class newsletters, key information leaflets, and "What I am Learning" documents are all available on the year group pages of our school website.

If you would like to know more about the curriculum that is on offer to the children and what they are taught in specific subjects, please head over to the curriculum pages of the website.

As a school, we follow the National Curriculum.

How can I contact my child's teacher?

If you would like to discuss anything regarding your child's progress or have any concerns, you are welcome to speak with your class teacher before or after school. If these times are not convenient, you can also arrange a meeting by contacting the school office.

To schedule an appointment, please call the school office on 020 8337 1332 or email, and we will be happy to assist you.

We always appreciate your involvement and look forward to working together to support your child’s success!

Please see below for our communication flow chart.

How are my child's achievements and efforts celebrated?

At Hatfeild, we believe in celebrating the achievements and efforts of our children in a variety of meaningful ways. To encourage and motivate children, classes utilise the Dojo reward system, which fosters enthusiasm and engagement. Teamwork is promoted through our house points system, helping to build a sense of community and collaboration amongst students.

We also use positive noticing to recognise those who consistently demonstrate expected behaviours, and teachers provide individual feedback to children on their efforts and progress in lessons. Additionally, our weekly celebration assembly, held every Friday, is a cherished tradition at Hatfeild where we honour children's accomplishments both inside and outside of school.

These practices are integral to creating a supportive and positive learning environment for all students.

When is my child's PE day?

Information regarding PE days can be found on the year group leaflets located on the individual year group pages of our school website. Additionally, the school office will send this information via ParentMail at the beginning of each half-term to ensure all parents are kept informed.

Please note that PE days may vary throughout the year due to adjustments in the timetable. These changes are influenced by the specific sports being taught, the availability of appropriate spaces, and the scheduling of external coaches.

When will I get an update about my child's learning?

You will receive updates on your child’s learning during the upcoming parents' evenings, which will take place on the 6th and 7th of November. There will be another opportunity for an update in the spring term, on the 26th and 27th of March.

At the end of the academic year, you will receive a detailed report outlining your child’s progress, attainment, and next steps for development.

If you would like to discuss your child's learning at any point between these scheduled updates, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's class teacher. They will be happy to arrange a time to speak with you.

What are my child's homework expectations?

Expectations around homework can be found on the website, and in the year group leaflets on the individual year group pages.

For years 1 - 6 directed homework is set on Google Classroom on a Friday and handed back in the following Wednesday. We expect parents to ensure that homework is handed in on time and that it represents a child's best efforts. If you do not have access to Google Classroom and require a paper copy, please speak to the class teacher. 

Years 1 & 2: Home learning will alternate weekly with literacy and maths.

Years 3 & 4: Home learning will alternate weekly with literacy and maths. They will also get weekly times tables practice. 

Years 5 & 6 : Home learning will have maths and literacy weekly.

Teachers will conduct a review of homework to identify misconceptions and errors, though not every assignment will receive detailed, in-depth marking. Additionally, they will acknowledge completed homework via Google Classroom.

How do I know what my child is eating at lunchtime?

The school lunch menu can be found on the website. Children are always encouraged to eat their school meal with a knife and fork, and we foster independence by asking the children to clear and stack their own plates. There are staff in the lunch hall, who support the children to eat their meals and have a drink of water, they will let the class teacher know if a child hasn't eaten very much on a particular day.

If your child does not eat their meal, the class teacher will let you know at pick-up or by telephone call at the end of the day.

What activities can my child take part in at break time?

Many of our children enjoy playing football during break and lunch times, but we are pleased to offer a wide variety of other engaging activities as well. These include parachute games, skipping, tennis, table tennis, board games, Lego, the mud kitchen, skittles, reading areas, basketball, drawing, and chalk activities, to name just a few.

We are fortunate to have the support of our active HSA, who have generously funded much of the play equipment the children enjoy. Additionally, we are extremely grateful to our dedicated staff, who actively engage with and play alongside the children, ensuring that everyone has a fulfilling and enjoyable breaktime experience.