Welcome to Chestnut Class.
Please see below for our half-termly newsletters where you can find out about what we are learning.
If you were unable to attend our coffee morning, please see the information below that will tell you more about our class and routines.
Key Information
Water Bottles & Snacks
Children must bring a water bottle to school to ensure they keep hydrated throughout the day. Water bottles must be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Children must only bring water in their bottles - no juice or squash.
In EYFS, children are provided with a piece of fruit as part of the government school fruit and vegetable scheme. Please do not provide your child with any additional snacks.
Every child aged 3–5 years is entitled to free milk provided by the government. If your child is unable to drink milk, please speak to a member of the team.
Outdoor Learning
Children in Reception will need to have a coat with them in school each day as they have access to the outside environment all day every day. Please ensure you name their coat as well as all gloves, scarves and hats. In sunny weather, children will need a sun-hat to wear when playing outside. Please ensure that you have applied sun-cream to your child on sunny days.
Pencil Cases & Personal Belongings
Children should not bring their own belongings, including toys or pencil cases from home - all equipment your child requires for their learning and well-being will be provided by the school.
How can I find out how my child is getting on?
We want parents and carers to feel comfortable exchanging information and discussing things that will benefit your child. To help in this every child will be assigned a “Key Worker”. This is the person who is your main point of contact within the setting and for collating the evidence regarding your child’s progress, achievements and sharing this with. Parent meetings will be run by the class teacher.
The whole team are responsible for your child’s care, development and learning and endeavour to help your child to become settled, happy and safe within the setting.
Observations of your child's learning will be sent home via Evidence Me on a half-termly basis.